Friday, September 26, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Hi folks and welcome to my WoW gold blog. I decided to create it after playing WoW for years and realizing that my greatest irritant in the game was my constant lack of gold!
Not enough gold to spend on armor, on training, on short - not enough gold to buy the good stuff! So, I have been searching the Net to try and find ways to make gold in the game...legally!
Yeah sure, I could buy gold from one of those "gold merchants" - who are essentially sweatshops that pay people minimum wage to work 12 -14 hours a day grinding out gold to sell online. But Blizzard does not support this practice and I don't blame them. It takes away from the game and adds a level of commercialism to it that I frankly don't like at all!
Plus, I have no intention of paying real money for fake gold...that's ridiculous! I'd much rather earn my own gold as quickly and painlessly as possible so I can go back to playing and leveling my characters and actually enjoying the game!
So, I will be posting reviews, links and any info I can find on products that can help us players to make our own gold. I hope you like the blog.
Now, get back to Warcraft!